Vero Health Center Blog

Simple Back Exercises You Should Do Everyday For Your Spine in West Des Moines IA

Simple Back Exercises You Should Do Everyday For Your Spine in West Des Moines IA

The health of your spine is extremely important to us at Vero Health Center in West Des Moines IA. As one of the leading chiropractors in central IA, we focus specifically on the central nervous system and your spine. Your spine and nervous system are the master control network, making them vital to the function…

How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain & Nervous System in West Des Moines IA

How Does Sugar Affect Your Brain & Nervous System in West Des Moines IA

It’s fair to say, we’ve all had a sweet tooth at some point in our lives. You know that can’t kick-it craving that won’t go away until you devour a cookie or bowl of ice cream!? What you might not realize is that excess sugar in the brain can impair both our nervous system, cognitive…

The Five Ways To Use Chiropractic in West Des Moines IA

The Five Ways To Use Chiropractic in West Des Moines IA

It surprises many people that we have patients who use neurologically-based chiropractic in five different ways West Des Moines IA. At Vero Health Center in West Des Moines IA, we help people where they are and adapt our treatment plans to meet their health needs. We can do this by identifying the key reason why…

Neurologically-Based Chiropractic: The Alternative For Migraines in West Des Moines IA

Neurologically-Based Chiropractic: The Alternative For Migraines in West Des Moines IA

Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. households have someone who suffers from migraines. Chances are you or someone you know suffers from migraines in West Des Moines IA. Although migraines are the most common between the ages of 25 and 55, 18% of American women, 6% of men, and 10% of children experience the pain caused…

How Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Can Help Sleep Issues in West Des Moines IA

How Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Can Help Sleep Issues in West Des Moines IA

Get Better Sleep… And The Secret Is Not JUST Your Mattress. {FREE eBOOK} One-third of people who have a chiropractic adjustment report that they experience immediate sleep improvement. – One of the most common complaints of American adults is trouble sleeping. We get far less sleep than we need, resulting in excessive fatigue, poor…

Getting The Healthcare You Deserve Through Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care in West Des Moines IA

Getting The Healthcare You Deserve Through Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care in West Des Moines IA

In today’s healthcare system, patients are being let down by healthcare providers far too often. You deserve to trust the medical advice given to you and to be guided back to health appropriately and effectively. This disconnect often occurs in patients not being thoroughly evaluated and, therefore not receiving the appropriate course of care to…