Three Common Questions, Answered By Vero Health Center in West Des Moines IA

You've likely heard more and more people in your community talk about going to the chiropractor as part of their health and wellness plan. At the rate chiropractic care is growing, this will only become more and more common.
So, WHY are people focusing on their spinal health and seeing chiropractors regularly? Because once you experience the many benefits of neurologically-based chiropractic care in West Des Moines IA, you will understand how a healthy spine leads to a healthy life!
It can be intimidating to get started with chiropractic care. Some people grumble it's just "one more thing" to try and fit into their already busy schedules, however we would argue it's the "most important thing" to fit into your schedule as it will help provide you the energy, clarity and optimal level of health to tackle everyday life!
To help get you one step closer to a happy, healthy spine, we are addressing some of the most commonly asked questions we get asked to help ease your mind and reassure you chiropractic care WILL help you get your health and lifestyle goals on track!
1 >> Is It Safe?
The number one concern we hear from people either on their first visit or people we are talking to out in the community is whether the treatments are safe. We are always happy to address this question because the answer is YES! Not only is chiropractic care safe, but it has been proven to be incredibly effective, even offering pain relief, greater range of motion, more energy and those are just to name a few!
2 >> Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?
Chiropractors are often criticized as not being "real" doctors. Well, we are pleased to tell you that chiropractors ARE doctors. Dr. Josiah and his team of chiropractors have received a doctor of chiropractic degree, and are fully licensed to practice in the state of Iowa. Simply put, chiropractors know the spine, much like a cardiologist knows the heart. So who better to go to for your spine than a doctor who specializes in just that!
3 >> How Do I Know If I Need It?
Many times, people only consider a chiropractor if there is physical pain, such as back pain. Obviously, back pain is a great reason to see a chiropractor, however there are many other reasons chiropractic is for you - even if you aren't in physical pain. Vero Health Center promotes overall wellness and prevention, focusing on addressing issues in the nervous system BEFORE they cause you outward pain. It's this key principal of correcting the cause that makes neurologically-based chiropractic care important to maintain an optimal level of health. Ensuring the spine and nervous system are in proper alignment boosts your overall health and leads to a happier, healthier life.
Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care in West Des Moines IA
At Vero Health Center in West Des Moines IA, we want to help you achieve optimal health, even if you aren't quite convinced you could benefit from it! Through the latest technology and cutting edge approach to chiropractic, we will walk alongside you every step of the way.
If you are ready to get chiropractic care, click the button below to learn about the special offer we have right now that will help you start living the life you deserve!
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265