How To Boost Your Immunity & Stay Healthy During Coronavirus in West Des Moines IA

Vero Health Center Family,
We pray this finds you well! We know the shelves are starting to look empty and no cleaning products or toilet paper in sight. So much coming at us all and it can be scary. We know that the best thing to do right now is to make sure we're all taking great care of each other and ourselves. Most importantly, taking care of our immune systems so that if you do come in contact with the virus, your body can quickly fight it, as it's designed too!
Here's a quick list of things you can do to boost your immunity in West Des Moines IA:
- Feed your body the good stuff! More greens, less processed, less sugary food & less dairy. Stay hydrated.
{Read This Article For More Information.}
- Supplement your system. Vitamin C & D3, Elderberry Syrup, Ginger, Garlic and Colloidal Silver
{Read This Article For More Information.}
- Manage your stress levels. In times like this, our stress levels sky rocket. Stress is known to cause 90% of all illness and will only dramatically decrease our body's ability to FIGHT. Amidst all the unknown and chaos right now, try and find peace. Meditate, stay away from social media, love on your people, and stay calm.
{Read This Article For More Information.}
- Get plenty of restful sleep. Your immune system requires large amounts of energy, so it depends on adequate sleep to function at full capacity
{Read This Article For More Information.}
- And of course, wash your hands!
We are also taking steps here at Vero Health Center:
- We are consistently wiping down all surfaces.
- We have increased the frequency of our deep cleans performed by our external cleaning company as well as our team.
- All surfaces and tables are cleaned consistently and we have sanitizing wipes throughout the office if you feel more comfortable doing it yourself.
- If anyone calls in with any mention of not feeling well, we will make special accommodations and will plan accordingly.
- We are abiding by the 10 person per area limit and are limiting the number of people in our reception area at a single time to less than 10.
During this time, let's all do our part to combat what we can control and keep using chiropractic to strengthen our immune system. There's no better time than NOW to ensure your body has the ability to adapt to any virus and exposure out there.
Come in, get an immune boost and head home!
Research Briefs:
Chiropractic and Your Immune System
BCBS Study on Chiropractic and Decreased Health Care Costs
Immune System Talk Slides from our workshop last month
Immune Function and Chiropractic
We're in this together and we're here for you!
The Vero Health Center Team
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265