Getting The Healthcare You Deserve Through Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care in West Des Moines IA

In today's healthcare system, patients are being let down by healthcare providers far too often. You deserve to trust the medical advice given to you and to be guided back to health appropriately and effectively. This disconnect often occurs in patients not being thoroughly evaluated and, therefore not receiving the appropriate course of care to address the current ailment nor prevent future injury.
Obviously, there are numerous types of ailments and illnesses out there. Too many for us to address in this article, however, we will focus on the musculoskeletal and neurologically-based bain and injuries people suffer from. After all, neurologically-based chiropractic care in West Des Moines IA is what we do best here at Vero Health Center.
There are essentially 3 main aspects of care that we will discuss:
- Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment
- Conservative Treatment Options
- Prevention Training
Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment
Patients often seek the advice of their primary care physician or specialist. Even after being given a proper medical history and consultation, what is often lacking is a thorough musculoskeletal exam. Many times, the muscle tissue, joint function, and/or the movement of the patient is not assessed. In these cases, a few orthopedic tests may or may not be conducted, after which patients are recommended to rest or even take medication to help "manage" the condition.
As a patient, it is important to understand what you should expect from a comprehensive evaluation and assessment. Your evaluation and assessment should provide you with a working diagnosis and the potential indirect causes of the pain or injury. The diagnosis should be specific and clearly communicated.
In order to determine an appropriate working diagnosis a comprehensive evaluation should include, but is not limited to:
- A thorough History & Consultation
- Functional Assessment: Assessing weakness & tightness
- Neurological testing, Orthopedic Exams, Range Of Motion as needed
- Muscle and Joint Palpation/Testing.
- Gait Analysis (if deemed necessary)
When a thorough evaluation and assessment is performed it provides the healthcare provider with the information required to determine the appropriate course of care. This allows for an informed decision regarding which conservative treatment options would be best suited for your individual case.
Conservative Treatment Options
At Vero Health Center, we strongly believe you deserve to have a comprehensive hands-on approach to your pain or injury. Most health issues respond best to a specific combination of therapies, which may include:
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Muscle Therapy Rehab Exercises
- Education on Prevention of Future Injury
Now, you may not need both the muscle therapy and chiropractic adjustment for all pain or injuries, but many will benefit from all four approaches listed above.
Conservative treatment is not a "one size fits all" approach. We will custom-tailor an individualized care plan based on the findings of your comprehensive assessment, utilizing our 4 technologies.
Prevention Training
Nothing is more frustrating as a patient (or even a doctor), than the return of a pain or injury. Re-aggravation can occur for a variety of reasons, including over-use from work, physical activity or not following the prescribed course of care. However, another cause of re-aggravation can actually be the lack of injury prevention training from your healthcare provider. We've included a list of sample prevention options you should expect instructions on.
- Activities of Daily Living Training: Many activities we do in our daily lives cause physical strain when performed improperly.
- Return to Work/Sport Advice: Proper time frame for return and potential modifications.
- Body Awareness and Preparation: Proper lifting, bending, posture, etc.
- Corrective Exercises: Core stability exercises.
- Desk Ergonomics Tips: Desk sitting is causing many of your conditions.
- Proper Equipment recommendations: Proper running shoes for a runner.
There are many potential deficiencies that you may experience when you see any healthcare provider for your musculoskeletal pain or injury. The first step is being an informed patient and understanding what quality care entails.
Here are some key points that you, as an informed patient, should come to expect from your provider when you seek treatment for any musculoskeletal condition.
- A comprehensive assessment including but not limited to a thorough history, a functional assessment, palpation (assessing by hand) of the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments
- An exam that assesses the body as a whole in order to determine the root cause and does not only focus on the point of pain. For example, many times a patient with low back pain has hip range-of-motion and mid-back mobility issues that have led to the low back being overworked.
- A specific working diagnosis based on the comprehensive exam.
- All your conservative treatment options should be explained and discussed, offering you a chance to ask any questions you might have and provide clarity regarding our plan.
- You should expect to receive advice regarding preventative care for your injury, so once you are out of pain, you can avoid re-injury or aggravations.
Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care in West Des Moines IA
At Vero Health Center in West Des Moines IA, we want to help you achieve optimal health by offering you the healthcare you deserve! Through the latest technology and cutting-edge approach to chiropractic, we will walk alongside you every step of the way.
If you are ready to get chiropractic care, click the button below to learn about the special offer we have right now that will help you start living the life you deserve!
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265