Neurologically-Based Chiropractic Care To Treat Chronic Back Pain in West Des Moines IA

Serving in our military, Stephanie had experienced chronic back and neck pain that was impacting her quality of life. Through neurologically-based chiropractic care in West Des Moines IA, we have been able to alleviate her pain and improve her lifestyle.
Whether you are suffering from acute or chronic back pain, you don't have to just live with it! Stephanie was able to see immediate improvements in her degree of pain and with each visit felt the benefits of recurring chiropractic care.
Stephanie says, "I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with Dr. Josiah and have been so happy and satisfied with my overall experience. Dr. Josiah has a wonderful bedside manner than made me feel relaxed with each visit and every time I saw him. I looked forward to my weekly meetings and adjustments with Dr. Josiah and noticed an immediate improvement on my lower back and neck pain as well as the overall quality of life with having chiropractic adjustments. Serving in the Military, I have chronic lower back pain that Dr. Josiah was instrumental in helping to alleviate my pain. I highly recommend Dr. Josiah, not just for his adjustments but because he is such a pleasure to work with, he has a happy and cheerful disposition that is contagious and will make any new patient a satisfied customer."
Start Living A Different Life in West Des Moines IA
If you are living with back or neck pain, let Vero Health Center help you start living the life you deserve. Simply click on the button below to get started!
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265