The Source:
A Vero Health Center Newsletter - Volume 45

Vero has a new home!
After four wonderful years in our Mills Civic location, we are MOVING! To better serve our practice members and allow for continued growth, we are relocating to 630 S 50th St, bringing pain relief to more of West Des Moines IA. Read on to learn about our owners' perspectives as we reflect on the last four years and look towards the future.
It's the moment you have been waiting for! The rumors are true; we are moving! Vero is getting a new home, and we are so excited to share the news with you.
As we reflect on the past four years, we realize most of you may not know the whole story of how we got here today. Eight years ago, we began to envision Vero. We had great ideas and a mission to open a neurological chiropractic office in West Des Moines. In February of 2017, we hit the ground running when we signed our lease in the West Glen Town Center and could not have been more excited about our location. We had our goal set for opening in June. Everything was going great, until it wasn't. The Saturday before our ribbon cutting, we found out that one of the contractors we had hired to complete our desks, cabinets, refreshment bar, and storage cabinets was a complete fraud. He stole our money and left us with nothing. You can probably imagine how we as a young couple with almost no money felt. We were stung and hurt to say the least. This meant a third of our build-out still needed to be completed. But, we rallied together and knew that it must be done; there wasn't another option. We had people counting on us and were not about to let them down. On that Saturday, we hired three additional contractors and started working 20-hour days to help with construction. With the help of our wonderful family and friends, we pulled an all-nighter the night before our ribbon cutting and finished with 45 minutes to spare. God is so good! We had over 400 people with appointments booked and at the time had the largest ribbon cutting in West Des Moines Chamber history. Our mission was greater than any obstacle that could have been put in front of us. We poured everything we had into our opening, and we have been able to pour out help to every person who has walked into our doors since.
Although we have loved our current home for Vero, we realize we are bursting at the seams and have used every inch we can in our current space. While we always thought this day would probably come, we didn't know just how soon it would be. A lot, and we mean a lot, of planning has gone into this change over the past year and a half. We're thankful our new location will be just a few minutes away. Not only will we have more space, but we'll have additional opportunities to serve our community with more natural health services (Stay tuned! More information on this is to come!).

With that being said, we would like to thank all the people in our lives who make this possible.
To our family, friends, and community partners: your support is immeasurable. We appreciate you more than you know. You are always the ones we can count on, and we are so grateful!
To our team: It started with the two of us, and now we have 25 team members. Yes, you read that right: 25! Whether you met them at an event, get a hello from them when you come in for your appointment, get served by one of our amazing doctors, or don't see them regularly because they are running the show behind the scenes, they all serve our mission. It takes a village, and they are ours. We would put them up against any team, as they truly are the best of the best. We are so grateful to have them alongside us to do what we do.
And to our practice members: You are the reason we get to do what we do. Many of you are still with us from the very beginning and have gotten to witness all of Vero's transformations. If you are new to the Vero family, welcome! You have joined at quite an exciting time. It is a pure joy to witness the miracles of health and healing that our practice members see in our office. Thank you for choosing us to be a part of your health journey.
You all make this possible. We are thrilled for what lies ahead. We will continue to make it our mission to serve the Des Moines metro area at the highest level possible. Now, we know the question you want to know is: WHEN? While we don't have an official move-in date, we are well on our way and obviously hope it is sooner than later. We promise to keep you updated and have several fun ways to do so along the way. And to those who want additional locations, you never know what we might have up our sleeves. 🙂 Stay tuned, there are many exciting things to come!
We feel extremely grateful and blessed to be able to make this announcement. We are looking forward to this next adventure with all of you.
With love,
Dr. Josiah and Megan (and Brecken and Parker!)
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265