The Source:
A Vero Health Center Newsletter - Volume 56

Find Your Fun!
The Iowa State Fair is back! The fair goes from August 11th through the 21st. Each day is packed with new foods, games, rides and music.
Check out the top 3 ways to Find Your Fun at the fair:
- Record Setting Fun
a. On Saturday, August 20th, you can be apart of the official Guinness World Records attempt for the
largest cornhole tournament. - 100 Years of Fun
a.The Ye Old Mill turns 100 years old this year! It is the Fair's oldest permanent amusement ride, and is
still one of the only three originals remaining in the United States. - Fun-draising Efforts
a.This year is the 40th anniversary of the Governor's Charity Steer Show. This show has raised over $4.5 million for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Iowa since 1983 and will be held on August 13th.
We will have a booth in the Varied Industries Building. Be sure to stop by and say hello!
Many think chiropractic is about bones, especially the spine. The human body is controlled by the nervous system and the spine. But the fact is, we are more interested in the nerves those bones protect. In particular, the nerve messages that travel between your brain and body. The spinal cord consists of vertebrae running down your back, and the spinal nerves which come off the vertebrae and supply the body with the energy it needs to move and function properly.

Any type of disruption can distort or distribute the integrity of the controlling and regulating messages from the brain. The result is ill health. A common culprit is the 24 moving bones of the spine that cover the information super highway of your spinal cord. If a spinal bone loses its normal motion or position, it can irritate nearby nerves. Because the nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ, and system of your body, chiropractic care has been known to help with a wide variety of health problems in West Des Moines IA.
Maybe you know someone who has been told that it’s “all in their head” or that they’ll have to “learn to live with it.” Worse, someone who thinks they have a muscle relaxer shortage! Send them our way. Or, forward our newsletter and invite them to learn more!
Meet Jenna

Jenna is currently studying Biochemistry at Iowa State University. Her past year working at Vero has sparked her passion for Chiropractic, so she plans to attend Life University College of Chiropractic in Atlanta, GA after graduation. Outside of Vero, you can find her researching and reading about natural health, staying active outdoors, and spending time with family and friends!
You'll find Jenna sitting at our front desk, greeting practice members and helping our office run as efficiently as possible!
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 9:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
7:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Vero Health Center
630 S 50th St
West Des Moines, IA 50265